The Actors

The partnership is led by GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, which holds a key role as R&D advisor and executive arm of the Ministry of Digital Governance on issues relating to the design and development of advanced information systems and infrastructures for the digital transformation of the Greek Public Administration, and is also the coordinator of all national e-infrastructures in Education and Research. The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), the executive arm for public ICT procurement – Digital Society S.A., the top Academic and Research Institutions that specialize in digiGOV issues, and the vibrant professional and scientific networks of the Open Technologies Alliance-GFOSS and the Greek Computer Society, are also founding partners of the Hub.

Through this aggregation of creative forces, the Hub will constitute a network of excellence, with a wide geographical coverage in almost all Greek regions, that employs state-of-the-art frameworks and methods in order to contribute towards the definition and execution of the national digital strategy, and to facilitate the impact of ICTs on government transformation towards inclusion, transparency, efficiency and change management.
The digiGOV-innoHUB is also supported directly by a broad assortment of key industry actors, regional authorities and civic society organizations that have expressed their willingness to participate (see attached Letters of Support), including:


  • The main Greek Regional Authorities of Attica – Development Fund, Crete, Thessaly, Epirus, C. Macedonia, E. Macedonia & Thrace.
  • ICT Systems Integrators and innovative SMEs,
  • Innovation Funds
  • Industry and Professional Associations
  • Civic Society Organizations


Beneficiaries of the Hub’s services are the SMEs that create products and services of public interest, public authorities and bodies that need to accelerate their digital transformation, and the personnel and actors of the public space that want to upgrade their training and skills. Ultimately, the Hub aspires to become the reference point for setting the digital priorities of the public sector.